Example of price for a 14 Days/13 Nights stay in Bali.

These per person rates are calculated based on a couple's stay of 2 travelers sharing 1 double room during the low tourist season. If you are a group of more than 2 travelers, the price will be significantly lower due to a better distribution of overhead costs (guide's remuneration, vehicle rental, fuel, etc.). The higher the number of participants, the more the overhead costs are spread out among them, resulting in a lower price per person.

The prices in IDR are based on the respective exchange rates of the day. For example, for the rate of €1 → Rp15,500, the price is EUR 700 or IDR 10,850,000/person for a group of 4 travelers in the Standard Ethnik hotel class. Here are some examples of prices per person for a group of 4 travelers during the low tourist season in our destinations, excluding flights:

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Bali 14 Jours/ 13 nuits: Circuit Traversé de Bali

€700 ou Rp10.850.000/ Pax

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Lombok 8 Jours/ 7 nuits: Senaru – Tetebatu – Kuta – Gili Asahan

€515 ou Rp7.982.500/ Pax

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Java 6 Jours/ 5 nuits: Yogyakarta – Bromo – Kawah Ijen

€420 ou Rp6.510.000/ Pax

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Flore 8 Jours/ 7 nuits: Circuit Traversé de Flores – Komodo

€630 ou Rp9.765.000/ Pax

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Sulawesi 6 Jours/ 5 nuits: Pays Toraja

€525 ou Rp8.137.500/ Pax

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Sumatra 11 Jours/ 10 nuits: Camping Bukit Lawang – Lac Toba

€860 ou Rp13.330.500/ Pax

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Kalimantan 5 Jours/ 4 nuits: Pangkalan Bun

€380 ou Rp5.890.500/ Pax
